Testing a Contract¶
This documentation recommends the use of the pytest framework with the ethereum-tester package. Prior to testing, the vyper specific contract conversion and the blockchain related fixtures need to be set up. These fixtures will be used in every test file and should therefore be defined in conftest.py.
Since the testing is done in the pytest framework, you can make use of pytest.ini, tox.ini and setup.cfg and you can use most IDEs’ pytest plugins.
Vyper Contract and Basic Fixtures¶
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 | from eth_tester import (
from eth_tester.exceptions import (
from eth_utils.toolz import (
import pytest
from web3 import Web3
from web3.contract import (
from web3.providers.eth_tester import (
from vyper import (
from .grammar.conftest import (
LARK_GRAMMAR = get_lark_grammar()
class VyperMethod:
ALLOWED_MODIFIERS = {'call', 'estimateGas', 'transact', 'buildTransaction'}
def __init__(self, function, normalizers=None):
self._function = function
self._function._return_data_normalizers = normalizers
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
return self.__prepared_function(*args, **kwargs)
def __prepared_function(self, *args, **kwargs):
if not kwargs:
modifier, modifier_dict = 'call', {}
fn_abi = [
for x
in self._function.contract_abi
if x.get('name') == self._function.function_identifier
# To make tests faster just supply some high gas value.
modifier_dict.update({'gas': fn_abi.get('gas', 0) + 50000})
elif len(kwargs) == 1:
modifier, modifier_dict = kwargs.popitem()
if modifier not in self.ALLOWED_MODIFIERS:
raise TypeError(
f"The only allowed keyword arguments are: {self.ALLOWED_MODIFIERS}")
raise TypeError(f"Use up to one keyword argument, one of: {self.ALLOWED_MODIFIERS}")
return getattr(self._function(*args), modifier)(modifier_dict)
class VyperContract:
An alternative Contract Factory which invokes all methods as `call()`,
unless you add a keyword argument. The keyword argument assigns the prep method.
This call
> contract.withdraw(amount, transact={'from': eth.accounts[1], 'gas': 100000, ...})
is equivalent to this call in the classic contract:
> contract.functions.withdraw(amount).transact({'from': eth.accounts[1], 'gas': 100000, ...})
def __init__(self, classic_contract, method_class=VyperMethod):
classic_contract._return_data_normalizers += CONCISE_NORMALIZERS
self._classic_contract = classic_contract
self.address = self._classic_contract.address
protected_fn_names = [fn for fn in dir(self) if not fn.endswith('__')]
for fn_name in self._classic_contract.functions:
# Override namespace collisions
if fn_name in protected_fn_names:
_concise_method = mk_collision_prop(fn_name)
_classic_method = getattr(
_concise_method = method_class(
setattr(self, fn_name, _concise_method)
def factory(cls, *args, **kwargs):
return compose(cls, Contract.factory(*args, **kwargs))
def _none_addr(datatype, data):
if datatype == 'address' and int(data, base=16) == 0:
return (datatype, None)
return (datatype, data)
def tester():
custom_genesis = PyEVMBackend._generate_genesis_params(overrides={'gas_limit': 4500000})
backend = PyEVMBackend(genesis_parameters=custom_genesis)
return EthereumTester(backend=backend)
def zero_gas_price_strategy(web3, transaction_params=None):
return 0 # zero gas price makes testing simpler.
def w3(tester):
w3 = Web3(EthereumTesterProvider(tester))
return w3
def _get_contract(w3, source_code, *args, **kwargs):
out = compiler.compile_code(
['abi', 'bytecode'],
interface_codes=kwargs.pop('interface_codes', None),
evm_version=kwargs.pop('evm_version', None),
LARK_GRAMMAR.parse(source_code + "\n") # Test grammar.
abi = out['abi']
bytecode = out['bytecode']
value = kwargs.pop('value_in_eth', 0) * 10 ** 18 # Handle deploying with an eth value.
c = w3.eth.contract(abi=abi, bytecode=bytecode)
deploy_transaction = c.constructor(*args)
tx_info = {
'from': w3.eth.accounts[0],
'value': value,
'gasPrice': 0,
tx_hash = deploy_transaction.transact(tx_info)
address = w3.eth.getTransactionReceipt(tx_hash)['contractAddress']
contract = w3.eth.contract(
return contract
def get_contract(w3):
def get_contract(source_code, *args, **kwargs):
return _get_contract(w3, source_code, *args, **kwargs)
return get_contract
def get_logs(w3):
def get_logs(tx_hash, c, event_name):
tx_receipt = w3.eth.getTransactionReceipt(tx_hash)
logs = c._classic_contract.events[event_name]().processReceipt(tx_receipt)
return logs
return get_logs
def assert_tx_failed(tester):
def assert_tx_failed(function_to_test, exception=TransactionFailed, exc_text=None):
snapshot_id = tester.take_snapshot()
with pytest.raises(exception) as excinfo:
if exc_text:
assert exc_text in str(excinfo.value)
return assert_tx_failed
This is the base requirement to load a vyper contract and start testing. The last two fixtures are optional and will be
discussed later. The rest of this chapter assumes, that you have this code set up in your conftest.py
Alternatively, you can import the fixtures to conftest.py
or use
pytest plugins.
Load Contract and Basic Tests¶
Assume the following simple contract storage.vy
. It has a single integer variable and a function to set that value.
storedData: public(int128)
def __init__(_x: int128):
self.storedData = _x
def set(_x: int128):
self.storedData = _x
We create a test file test_storage.py
where we write our tests in pytest style.
import pytest
def storage_contract(w3, get_contract):
with open('examples/storage/storage.vy') as f:
contract_code = f.read()
# Pass constructor variables directly to the contract
contract = get_contract(contract_code, INITIAL_VALUE)
return contract
def test_initial_state(storage_contract):
# Check if the constructor of the contract is set up properly
assert storage_contract.storedData() == INITIAL_VALUE
def test_set(w3, storage_contract):
k0 = w3.eth.accounts[0]
# Let k0 try to set the value to 10
storage_contract.set(10, transact={"from": k0})
assert storage_contract.storedData() == 10 # Directly access storedData
# Let k0 try to set the value to -5
storage_contract.set(-5, transact={"from": k0})
assert storage_contract.storedData() == -5
First we create a fixture for the contract which will compile our contract and set up a Web3 contract object. We then use this fixture for our test functions to interact with the contract.
To run the tests, call pytest
or python -m pytest
from your project directory.
Events and Failed Transactions¶
To test events and failed transactions we expand our simple storage contract to include an event and two conditions for a failed transaction: advanced_storage.vy
DataChange: event({_setter: indexed(address), _value: int128})
storedData: public(int128)
def __init__(_x: int128):
self.storedData = _x
def set(_x: int128):
assert _x >= 0 # No negative values
assert self.storedData < 100 # Storage will lock when 100 or more is stored
self.storedData = _x
log.DataChange(msg.sender, _x)
def reset():
self.storedData = 0
Next, we take a look at the two fixtures that will allow us to read the event logs and to check for failed transactions.
def assert_tx_failed(tester):
def assert_tx_failed(function_to_test, exception=TransactionFailed, exc_text=None):
snapshot_id = tester.take_snapshot()
with pytest.raises(exception) as excinfo:
if exc_text:
assert exc_text in str(excinfo.value)
return assert_tx_failed
The fixture to assert failed transactions defaults to check for a TransactionFailed
exception, but can be used to check for different exceptions too, as shown below.
Also note that the chain gets reverted to the state before the failed transaction.
def get_logs(w3):
def get_logs(tx_hash, c, event_name):
tx_receipt = w3.eth.getTransactionReceipt(tx_hash)
logs = c._classic_contract.events[event_name]().processReceipt(tx_receipt)
return logs
return get_logs
This fixture will return a tuple with all the logs for a certain event and transaction. The length of the tuple equals the number of events (of the specified type) logged and should be checked first.
Finally, we create a new file test_advanced_storage.py
where we use the new fixtures to test failed transactions and events.
import pytest
from web3.exceptions import (
def adv_storage_contract(w3, get_contract):
with open('examples/storage/advanced_storage.vy') as f:
contract_code = f.read()
# Pass constructor variables directly to the contract
contract = get_contract(contract_code, INITIAL_VALUE)
return contract
def test_initial_state(adv_storage_contract):
# Check if the constructor of the contract is set up properly
assert adv_storage_contract.storedData() == INITIAL_VALUE
def test_failed_transactions(w3, adv_storage_contract, assert_tx_failed):
k1 = w3.eth.accounts[1]
# Try to set the storage to a negative amount
assert_tx_failed(lambda: adv_storage_contract.set(-10, transact={"from": k1}))
# Lock the contract by storing more than 100. Then try to change the value
adv_storage_contract.set(150, transact={"from": k1})
assert_tx_failed(lambda: adv_storage_contract.set(10, transact={"from": k1}))
# Reset the contract and try to change the value
adv_storage_contract.reset(transact={"from": k1})
adv_storage_contract.set(10, transact={"from": k1})
assert adv_storage_contract.storedData() == 10
# Assert a different exception (ValidationError for non matching argument type)
lambda: adv_storage_contract.set("foo", transact={"from": k1}),
# Assert a different exception that contains specific text
lambda: adv_storage_contract.set(1, 2, transact={"from": k1}),
"invocation failed due to improper number of arguments",
def test_events(w3, adv_storage_contract, get_logs):
k1, k2 = w3.eth.accounts[:2]
tx1 = adv_storage_contract.set(10, transact={"from": k1})
tx2 = adv_storage_contract.set(20, transact={"from": k2})
tx3 = adv_storage_contract.reset(transact={"from": k1})
# Save DataChange logs from all three transactions
logs1 = get_logs(tx1, adv_storage_contract, "DataChange")
logs2 = get_logs(tx2, adv_storage_contract, "DataChange")
logs3 = get_logs(tx3, adv_storage_contract, "DataChange")
# Check log contents
assert len(logs1) == 1
assert logs1[0].args._value == 10
assert len(logs2) == 1
assert logs2[0].args._setter == k2
assert not logs3 # tx3 does not generate a log