Installing Vyper¶
Take a deep breath, follow the instructions, and please create an issue if you encounter any errors.
The easiest way to experiment with the language is to use the Remix online compiler.
Vyper can be downloaded as docker image from dockerhub:
docker pull vyperlang/vyper
To run the compiler use the docker run
docker run -v $(pwd):/code vyperlang/vyper /code/<contract_file.vy>
Alternatively you can log into the docker image and execute vyper on the prompt.
docker run -v $(pwd):/code/ -it --entrypoint /bin/bash vyperlang/vyper
root@d35252d1fb1b:/code# vyper <contract_file.vy>
The normal paramaters are also supported, for example:
docker run -v $(pwd):/code vyperlang/vyper -f abi /code/<contract_file.vy>
[{'name': 'test1', 'outputs': [], 'inputs': [{'type': 'uint256', 'name': 'a'}, {'type': 'bytes', 'name': 'b'}], 'constant': False, 'payable': False, 'type': 'function', 'gas': 441}, {'name': 'test2', 'outputs': [], 'inputs': [{'type': 'uint256', 'name': 'a'}], 'constant': False, 'payable': False, 'type': 'function', 'gas': 316}]
If you would like to know how to install Docker, please follow their documentation.
Installing Python¶
Vyper can only be built using Python 3.6 and higher. If you need to know how to install the correct version of python, follow the instructions from the official Python website.
Creating a virtual environment¶
It is strongly recommended to install Vyper in a virtual Python environment, so that new packages installed and dependencies built are strictly contained in your Vyper project and will not alter or affect your other development environment set-up. For easy virtualenv management, we recommend either pyenv or Poetry.
To find out more about virtual environments, check out: virtualenv guide.