Compiling a Contract

Command-Line Compiler Tools

Vyper includes the following command-line scripts for compiling contracts:

  • vyper: Compiles vyper contract or archive files

  • vyper-json: Provides a JSON interface to the compiler


The --help flag gives verbose explanations of how to use each of these scripts.


vyper provides CLI access to the compiler. It can generate various outputs including simple binaries, ASTs, interfaces and source mappings.

To compile a contract:

$ vyper yourFileName.vy

Include the -f flag to specify which output formats to return. Use vyper --help for a full list of output options.

$ vyper -f abi,abi_python,bb,bb_runtime,bytecode,bytecode_runtime,blueprint_bytecode,cfg,cfg_runtime,interface,external_interface,ast,annotated_ast,integrity,ir,ir_json,ir_runtime,asm,opcodes,opcodes_runtime,source_map,source_map_runtime,archive,solc_json,method_identifiers,userdoc,devdoc,metadata,combined_json,layout yourFileName.vy


The opcodes and opcodes_runtime output of the compiler has been returning incorrect opcodes since 0.2.0 due to a lack of 0 padding (patched via PR 3735). If you rely on these functions for debugging, please use the latest patched versions.

The -p flag allows you to set a root path that is used when searching for interface files to import. If none is given, it will default to the current working directory. See Searching For Imports for more information.

$ vyper -p yourProject yourProject/yourFileName.vy

Storage Layout

To display the default storage layout for a contract:

$ vyper -f layout yourFileName.vy

This outputs a JSON object detailing the locations for all state variables as determined by the compiler.

To override the default storage layout for a contract:

$ vyper --storage-layout-file storageLayout.json yourFileName.vy

The input to the --storage-layout-file flag must match the format of the .storage_layout field from the vyper -f layout command.


vyper-json provides a JSON interface for the compiler. It expects a JSON formatted input and returns the compilation result in a JSON formatted output.

To compile from JSON supplied via stdin:

$ vyper-json

To compile from a JSON file:

$ vyper-json yourProject.json

By default, the output is sent to stdout. To redirect to a file, use the -o flag:

$ vyper-json -o compiled.json

Importing Interfaces

vyper-json searches for imported interfaces in the following sequence:

  1. Interfaces defined in the interfaces field of the input JSON.

  2. Derived interfaces generated from contracts in the sources field of the input JSON.

See Searching For Imports for more information on Vyper’s import system.

Online Compilers

Try VyperLang!

Try VyperLang! is a JupyterHub instance hosted by the Vyper team as a sandbox for developing and testing contracts in Vyper. It requires github for login, and supports deployment via the browser.

Remix IDE

Remix IDE is a compiler and JavaScript VM for developing and testing contracts in Vyper, as well as Solidity.


While the Vyper version of the Remix IDE compiler is updated on a regular basis, it might be a bit behind the latest version found in the master branch of the repository. Make sure the byte code matches the output from your local compiler.

Compiler Optimization Modes

The Vyper CLI tool accepts an optimization mode "none", "codesize", or "gas" (default). It can be set using the --optimize flag. For example, invoking vyper --optimize codesize MyContract.vy will compile the contract, optimizing for code size. As a rough summary of the differences between gas and codesize mode, in gas optimized mode, the compiler will try to generate bytecode which minimizes gas (up to a point), including:

  • using a sparse selector table which optimizes for gas over codesize

  • inlining some constants, and

  • trying to unroll some loops, especially for data copies.

In codesize optimized mode, the compiler will try hard to minimize codesize by

  • using a dense selector table

  • out-lining code, and

  • using more loops for data copies.

Enabling Experimental Code Generation

When compiling, you can use the CLI flag --experimental-codegen or its alias --venom to activate the new Venom IR. Venom IR is inspired by LLVM IR and enables new advanced analysis and optimizations.

Setting the Target EVM Version

When you compile your contract code, you can specify the target Ethereum Virtual Machine version to compile for, to access or avoid particular features. You can specify the version either with a source code pragma or as a compiler option. It is recommended to use the compiler option when you want flexibility (for instance, ease of deploying across different chains), and the source code pragma when you want bytecode reproducibility (for instance, when verifying code on a block explorer).


If the evm version specified by the compiler options conflicts with the source code pragma, an exception will be raised and compilation will not continue.

For instance, the adding the following pragma to a contract indicates that it should be compiled for the “cancun” fork of the EVM.

#pragma evm-version cancun


Compiling for the wrong EVM version can result in wrong, strange, or failing behavior. Please ensure, especially if running a private chain, that you use matching EVM versions.

When compiling via the vyper CLI, you can specify the EVM version option using the --evm-version flag:

$ vyper --evm-version [VERSION]

When using the JSON interface, you can include the "evmVersion" key within the "settings" field:

    "settings": {
        "evmVersion": "[VERSION]"

Target Options

The following is a list of supported EVM versions, and changes in the compiler introduced with each version. Backward compatibility is not guaranteed between each version. In general, the compiler team maintains an informal policy that the compiler will support 3 years of hard fork rulesets, but this policy may be revisited as appropriate.

  • block.difficulty is deprecated in favor of its new alias, block.prevrandao.

  • The PUSH0 opcode is automatically generated by the compiler instead of PUSH1 0

  • The transient keyword allows declaration of variables which live in transient storage

  • Functions marked with @nonreentrant are protected with TLOAD/TSTORE instead of SLOAD/SSTORE

  • The MCOPY opcode will be generated automatically by the compiler for most memory operations.

Integrity Hash

To help tooling detect whether two builds are the same, Vyper provides the -f integrity output, which outputs the integrity hash of a contract. The integrity hash is recursively defined as the sha256 of the source code with the integrity hashes of its dependencies (imports) and storage layout overrides (if provided).

Vyper Archives

A Vyper archive is a compileable bundle of input sources and settings. Technically, it is a ZIP file, with a special structure to make it useable as input to the compiler. It can use any suffix, but the convention is to use a .zip suffix or .vyz suffix. It must contain a MANIFEST/ folder, with the following directory structure.

├── cli_settings.txt
├── compilation_targets
├── compiler_version
├── integrity
├── settings.json
├── searchpaths
└── storage_layout.json [OPTIONAL]
  • cli_settings.txt is a text representation of the settings that were used on the compilation run that generated this archive.

  • compilation_targets is a newline separated list of compilation targets. Currently only one compilation is supported

  • compiler_version is a text representation of the compiler version used to generate this archive

  • integrity is the integrity hash of the input contract

  • searchpaths is a newline-separated list of the search paths used on this compilation run

  • settings.json is a json representation of the settings used on this compilation run. It is 1:1 with cli_settings.txt, but both are provided as they are convenient for different workflows (typically, manually vs automated).

  • storage_layout.json is a json representation of the storage layout overrides to be used on this compilation run. It is optional.

A Vyper archive file can be produced by requesting the -f archive output format. The compiler can also produce the archive in base64 encoded form using the --base64 flag. The Vyper compiler can accept both .vyz and base64-encoded Vyper archives directly as input.

$ vyper -f archive my_contract.vy -o my_contract.vyz  # write the archive to my_contract.vyz
$ vyper -f archive my_contract.vy --base64 > my_contract.vyz.b64  # write the archive, as base64-encoded text
$ vyper my_contract.vyz  # compile my_contract.vyz
$ vyper my_contract.vyz.b64  # compile my_contract.vyz.b64

Compiler Input and Output JSON Description

JSON input/output is provided for compatibility with solidity, however, the recommended way is to use the aforementioned Vyper archives. So-called “standard json” input can be generated from a contract using the vyper -f solc_json output format.

Where possible, the Vyper JSON compiler formats follow those of Solidity.

Input JSON Description

The following example describes the expected input format of vyper-json. (Comments are not normally permitted in JSON and are used here for explanatory purposes).

    // Required: Source code language. Must be set to "Vyper".
    "language": "Vyper",
    // Required
    // Source codes given here will be compiled.
    "sources": {
        "contracts/foo.vy": {
            // Optional: keccak256 hash of the source file
            "keccak256": "0x234...",
            // Required: literal contents of the source file
            "content": "@external\ndef foo() -> bool:\n    return True"
    // Optional
    // Sources given here are made available for import by the contracts
    // that are compiled. If the suffix is ".vy", the compiler will expect
    // Vyper syntax. If the suffix is "abi" the compiler will expect an
    // ABI object.
    "interfaces": {
        "contracts/bar.vy": {
            "content": ""
        "contracts/baz.json": {
            "abi": []
    // Optional
    // Storage layout overrides for the contracts that are compiled
    "storage_layout_overrides": {
        "contracts/foo.vy": {
            "a": {"type": "uint256", "slot": 1, "n_slots": 1},
            "b": {"type": "uint256", "slot": 0, "n_slots": 1},
    // Optional
    "settings": {
        "evmVersion": "cancun",  // EVM version to compile for. Can be london, paris, shanghai or cancun (default).
        // optional, optimization mode
        // defaults to "gas". can be one of "gas", "codesize", "none",
        // false  and true (the last two are for backwards compatibility).
        "optimize": "gas",
        // optional, whether or not the bytecode should include Vyper's signature
        // defaults to true
        "bytecodeMetadata": true,
        // optional, whether to use the experimental venom pipeline
        // defaults to false
        "experimentalCodegen": false,
        // the search paths to use for resolving imports
        "search_paths": [],
        // The following is used to select desired outputs based on file names.
        // File names are given as keys, a star as a file name matches all files.
        // Outputs can also follow the Solidity format where second level keys
        // denoting contract names - all 2nd level outputs are applied to the file.
        // To select all possible compiler outputs: "outputSelection: { '*': ["*"] }"
        // Note that this might slow down the compilation process needlessly.
        // The available output types are as follows:
        //    abi - The contract ABI
        //    ast - Abstract syntax tree
        //    interface - Derived interface of the contract, in proper Vyper syntax
        //    ir - intermediate representation of the code
        //    userdoc - Natspec user documentation
        //    devdoc - Natspec developer documentation
        //    evm.bytecode.object - Bytecode object
        //    evm.bytecode.opcodes - Opcodes list
        //    evm.bytecode.sourceMap - Source mapping (useful for debugging)
        //    evm.deployedBytecode.object - Deployed bytecode object
        //    evm.deployedBytecode.opcodes - Deployed opcodes list
        //    evm.deployedBytecode.sourceMap - Deployed source mapping (useful for debugging)
        //    evm.methodIdentifiers - The list of function hashes
        // Using `evm`, `evm.bytecode`, etc. will select every target part of that output.
        // Additionally, `*` can be used as a wildcard to request everything.
        // Note that the sourceMapFull.pc_ast_map is the recommended source map to use;
        // the other types are included for legacy and compatibility reasons.
        "outputSelection": {
            "*": ["evm.bytecode", "abi"],  // Enable the abi and bytecode outputs for every single contract
            "contracts/foo.vy": ["ast"]  // Enable the ast output for contracts/foo.vy

Output JSON Description

The following example describes the output format of vyper-json. Comments are of course not permitted and used here only for explanatory purposes.

    // The compiler version used to generate the JSON
    "compiler": "vyper-0.1.0b12",
    // Optional: not present if no errors/warnings were encountered
    "errors": [
        // Optional: Location within the source file.
        "sourceLocation": {
            "file": "source_file.vy",
            "lineno": 5,
            "col_offset": 11
        // Mandatory: Exception type, such as "JSONError", "StructureException", etc.
        "type": "TypeMismatch",
        // Mandatory: Component where the error originated, such as "json", "compiler", "vyper", etc.
        "component": "compiler",
        // Mandatory ("error" or "warning")
        "severity": "error",
        // Mandatory
        "message": "Unsupported type conversion: int128 to bool"
        // Optional: the message formatted with source location
        "formattedMessage": "line 5:11 Unsupported type conversion: int128 to bool"
    // Optional: not present if there are no storage layout overrides
    "storage_layout_overrides": {
        "contracts/foo.vy": {
            "a": {"type": "uint256", "slot": 1, "n_slots": 1},
            "b": {"type": "uint256", "slot": 0, "n_slots": 1},
    // This contains the file-level outputs. Can be limited/filtered by the outputSelection settings.
    "sources": {
        "source_file.vy": {
            // Identifier of the source (used in source maps)
            "id": 0,
            // The AST object
            "ast": {},
    // This contains the contract-level outputs. Can be limited/filtered by the outputSelection settings.
    "contracts": {
        "source_file.vy": {
            // The contract name will always be the file name without a suffix
            "source_file": {
                // The Ethereum Contract ABI.
                // See
                "abi": [],
                // Natspec developer documentation
                "devdoc": {},
                // Intermediate representation (string)
                "ir": "",
                // Natspec developer documentation
                "userdoc": {},
                // EVM-related outputs
                "evm": {
                    "bytecode": {
                        // The bytecode as a hex string.
                        "object": "00fe",
                        // Opcodes list (string)
                        "opcodes": "",
                        // The deployed source mapping.
                        "sourceMap": {
                            "breakpoints": [],
                            "error_map": {},
                            "pc_ast_map": {},
                            "pc_ast_map_item_keys": [],
                            "pc_breakpoints": [],
                            "pc_jump_map": {},
                            "pc_pos_map": {},
                            // The deployed source mapping as a string.
                            "pc_pos_map_compressed": ""
                    "deployedBytecode": {
                        // The deployed bytecode as a hex string.
                        "object": "00fe",
                        // Deployed opcodes list (string)
                        "opcodes": "",
                        // The deployed source mapping.
                        "sourceMap": {
                            "breakpoints": [],
                            "error_map": {},
                            "pc_ast_map": {},
                            "pc_ast_map_item_keys": [],
                            "pc_breakpoints": [],
                            "pc_jump_map": {},
                            "pc_pos_map": {},
                            // The deployed source mapping as a string.
                            "pc_pos_map_compressed": ""
                    // The list of function hashes
                    "methodIdentifiers": {
                        "delegate(address)": "5c19a95c"


Each error includes a component field, indicating the stage at which it occurred:

  • json: Errors that occur while parsing the input JSON. Usually, a result of invalid JSON or a required value that is missing.

  • parser: Errors that occur while parsing the contracts. Usually, a result of invalid Vyper syntax.

  • compiler: Errors that occur while compiling the contracts.

  • vyper: Unexpected errors that occur within Vyper. If you receive an error of this type, please open an issue.

You can also use the --traceback flag to receive a standard Python traceback when an error is encountered.