
An interface is a set of function definitions used to enable communication between smart contracts. A contract interface defines all of that contract’s externally available functions. By importing the interface, your contract now knows how to call these functions in other contracts.

Declaring and using Interfaces

Interfaces can be added to contracts either through inline definition, or by importing them from a separate file.

The interface keyword is used to define an inline external interface:

interface FooBar:
    def calculate() -> uint256: view
    def test1(): nonpayable

The defined interface can then be used to make external calls, given a contract address:

def test(foobar: FooBar):
    extcall foobar.test1()

def test2(foobar: FooBar) -> uint256:
    return staticcall foobar.calculate()

The interface name can also be used as a type annotation for storage variables. You then assign an address value to the variable to access that interface. Note that casting an address to an interface is possible, e.g. FooBar(<address_var>):

foobar_contract: FooBar

def __init__(foobar_address: address):
    self.foobar_contract = FooBar(foobar_address)

def test():
    extcall self.foobar_contract.test1()

Specifying payable or nonpayable annotation in the interface indicates that the call made to the external contract will be able to alter storage, whereas view and pure calls will use a STATICCALL ensuring no storage can be altered during execution. Additionally, payable allows non-zero value to be sent along with the call.

Either the extcall or staticcall keyword is required to precede the external call to distinguish it from internal calls. The keyword must match the visibility of the function, staticcall for pure and view functions, and extcall for payable and nonpayable functions. Additionally, the output of a staticcall must be assigned to a result.


If the signature in an interface does not match the actual signature of the called contract, you can get runtime errors or undefined behavior. For instance, if you accidentally mark a nonpayable function as view, calling that function may result in the EVM reverting execution in the called contract.

interface FooBar:
    def calculate() -> uint256: pure
    def query() -> uint256: view
    def update(): nonpayable
    def pay(): payable

def test(foobar: FooBar):
    s: uint256 = staticcall foobar.calculate()  # cannot change storage
    s = staticcall foobar.query()  # cannot change storage, but reads itself
    extcall foobar.update()  # storage can be altered
    extcall  # storage can be altered, and value can be sent

Vyper offers the option to set the following additional keyword arguments when making external calls:




Specify gas value for the call


Specify amount of ether sent with the call




Specify a default return value if no value is returned

The default_return_value parameter can be used to handle ERC20 tokens affected by the missing return value bug in a way similar to OpenZeppelin’s safeTransfer for Solidity:

extcall IERC20(USDT).transfer(msg.sender, 1, default_return_value=True) # returns True
extcall IERC20(USDT).transfer(msg.sender, 1) # reverts because nothing returned

Built-in Interfaces

Vyper includes common built-in interfaces such as IERC20 and IERC721. These are imported from ethereum.ercs:

from ethereum.ercs import IERC20

implements: IERC20

You can see all the available built-in interfaces in the Vyper GitHub repo.

Implementing an Interface

You can define an interface for your contract with the implements statement:

import an_interface as FooBarInterface

implements: FooBarInterface

This imports the defined interface from the vyper file at an_interface.vyi (or an_interface.json if using ABI json interface type) and ensures your current contract implements all the necessary external functions. If any interface functions are not included in the contract, it will fail to compile. This is especially useful when developing contracts around well-defined standards such as ERC20.


Interfaces that implement functions with return values that require an upper bound (e.g. Bytes, DynArray, or String), the upper bound defined in the interface represents the lower bound of the implementation. Assuming a function my_func returns a value String[1] in the interface, this would mean for the implementation function of my_func that the return value must have at least length 1. This behavior might change in the future.


Prior to v0.4.0, implements required that events defined in an interface were re-defined in the “implementing” contract. As of v0.4.0, this is no longer required because events can be used just by importing them. Any events used in a contract will automatically be exported in the ABI output.


An interface function with default parameters (e.g. deposit(assets: uint256, receiver: address = msg.sender)) implies that the contract being interfaced with supports these default arguments via the ABI-encoded function signatures (e.g. keccak256("deposit(uint256,address)")[:4] and keccak256("deposit(uint256)")[:4]). It is the responsibility of the callee to implement the behavior associated with these defaults.

Standalone Interfaces

Standalone interfaces are written using a variant of standard Vyper syntax. The body of each function must be an ellipsis (...). Interface files must have a .vyi suffix in order to be found by an import statement.

Extracting Interfaces

Vyper has a built-in format option to allow you to easily export a Vyper interface from a pre-existing contract.

$ vyper -f interface examples/voting/ballot.vy

# Functions

def delegated(addr: address) -> bool:

# ...

If you want to export it as an inline interface, Vyper provides a utility to extract that as well.

$ vyper -f external_interface examples/voting/ballot.vy

# External Contracts
interface Ballot:
    def delegated(addr: address) -> bool: view
    def directlyVoted(addr: address) -> bool: view
    def giveRightToVote(voter: address): nonpayable
    def forwardWeight(delegate_with_weight_to_forward: address): nonpayable
    # ...

The output can then easily be copy-pasted directly in a regular vyper file.